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Experienced Business Communication, Marketing and Admin Teacher

Accounting | Full-time | Suzhou | Posted by:Hemprakash     Jul 25 10:26 share    Tel:+917676555323     Working City:Suzhou   Hits:
For the past 10 years I have worked in China with a wide range of experience in PR, Communication and training and education. Previously I was employed as a project manager in south china normal university. planning and coordinating entrepreneurship programs and funded training programs. I have had the opportunity of always working in multi cultural environments and also worked in 3 different countries and visited over 15 countries.

I was known for my commitment and excellent PR and communication skills, energy, dedication and passion in all tasks assigned to me. I hope I am given an opportunity to interact  and discuss on Marketing and Admin Teacher.

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 54067

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